Yeti 12 days of Vert (day 11)

Screenshot 2019-12-14 at 3.41.43 PM (1)On the eleventh day of Vertmas my true love gave to me a sunrise run with many hills. (1,534 feet of gain)


IMG_20191224_072741644_HDRA sliver of a moon, birds twittering along the trail in front of me, a sweet doe having breakfast, a beautiful sunrise and some hills.

A magical Christmas Eve run. Kind of like a Disney movie.

Merry Vertmas Eve!

12 days of Vert (day 9)

Screenshot 2019-12-14 at 3.41.43 PM (1)On the ninth day of Vertmas my true love gave to me a frigid climb up to the Afton P.O. and an out and back on Dick Woods road. (1,211 feet of gain)


Screenshot_20191222-102329We had 16 miles on the schedule, but after eight days in a row of climbing at least 1,100 feet neither one of us had it in us.

We saw many deer, cows and crows and two donkeys.

Just three days left.

Merry ninth day of Vertmas.

Yeti 12 days of Vert (day 5)

Screenshot 2019-12-14 at 3.41.43 PM (1)On the fifth day of Vertmas my true love gave to me an early morning run and sixteen trips to the top of a parking garage. (1,139 feet of gain)

IMG_20191218_063719121Screenshot 2019-12-18 at 2.42.34 PM (1)Sixteen trips to the top of the Market Street parking garage. That’s 80 flights of stair climbing fun.

The stairwell was fairly busy on a sunny Wednesday afternoon the week before Christmas. Twice I was with someone who climbed the five flights with both hands full (interestingly it was food on both occasions). I held the door to the roof for each of them before turning around to do it again.

The whole thing was actually kind of fun. I was sweaty when I went back to CVS to pick up Brian’s prescription, though. And my legs were shaking a little on the drive home.

Yeti 12 days of Vert (day 4)

Screenshot 2019-12-14 at 3.41.43 PM (1)On the fourth day of Vertmas my true love gave to me a hard, sweaty run on the treadmill at the gym. (slightly over 1100 feet of gain.)

IMG_20191217_070930053Running on a 4% incline was much harder than I thought it would be. I only had an hour because I needed to get home to drive Brian to Richmond for eye surgery, but I figured I could do the requisite 5.21 miles in an hour. I just barely made it.

It would have been slightly less painful if they didn’t keep the heat at the gym set at 70 degrees.

Yeti 12 days of Vertmas (day 3)

Screenshot 2019-12-14 at 3.41.43 PM (1)

On the third day of Vertmas my true love gave to me 2.21 miles on the treadmill at a 10% incline (just over 1100 feet of gain.)

IMG_20191216_070433304IMG_20191216_071638917Not too bad. I listened to The Moth and had the gym all to myself.

I kept the speed mostly between 3.7 and 4 mph, just had to slow it way down in order to take a picture.

So glad someone else figured out the math. Screenshot 2019-12-16 at 10.29.01 AM (1)